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Writing therapy

Throughout her years working as a therapist, Sharon has always encouraged the use of writing as a means of emotional self-exploration and expression. Many clients find that putting pen to paper in the form of reflective journaling or creative writing can serve as a very powerful emotional outlet in its own right, as well as helping to reinforce more positive thoughts and behaviours arising from the work undertaken in counselling or psychotherapy.

Sharon has previously run many writing therapy workshops and she regularly incorporates the use of writing for the benefit of her clients. Similarly, bibliotherapy, where selected reading material is used for therapeutic purposes, is another approach which Sharon sometimes uses in her practice.     

Further information about writing therapy can be found in the following articles that Sharon has previously had published on the subject:



To find out more, you can contact Sharon in confidence via email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone on: 07890 017075.